This year continues to suck.

Since my last post was generally a “I have a massive blood clot and I’m dying,” I figured I may want to post again since I’m still alive. I’m OK. I’m continuing to improve and am no longer in pain (I can drive, woohoo!) but I’m lacking endurance. Severely lacking endurance. To the point that we’re all wondering if I may have also have a pulmonary embolism too… Did I present that way? No. But I also didn’t present like one would for a blood clot so… Either way, treatment was the same. My asthma flared up after I was on thinners but it was classic asthma. I generally don’t have a classic asthma presentation… So yeah. Who knows. Either way, how I am feeling now is typical for post PE so who knows? I see the hematologist in early June and we will go from there.

This year continues to suck. Massively.

My best dog in all the world presented with what we suspect is a large mast cell tumor last week. She went from running around like a fool to acting like a sick, sad sack of Hermione dog. Basically, it ruptured and started the degranulation process. She spent 2+ days throwing up non-stop while barely moving. Then started to perk up. (Tumor was aspirated 2x and we’re waiting on the official results — don’t ask — but at second vet appointment the vet looked at cells himself and saw mast cells). And then the tumor started bleeding again. See, every time she puts pressure on it (it’s on her hip), any scabs seem to come off. Is it healing (the infection) from the inside? No idea. And no I’m dealing with vet offices and no same day sick appointments because no one wants to actually ASK why she needs to be seen OR listen to be when I try and tell them… This is not an issue with the vets but office staff (not all staff, but certain staff and I can’t seem to get the front office staff that always help to answer when I call). But, after multiple calls and begging, I finally got an appointment for today (she’s out of pain killers and antibiotics and is dripping blood). Honestly, I’d take her to the ER if I needed to but I would want to talk to a nurse/tech first which would be possible if I could get a staff member to LISTEN. But, I’d have to follow up in the office again because we need next treatment steps.

As for the horses? They’re doing OK. My husband basically has been their full time caregiver. This has been good for him as he’s learning a lot, especially about handling Nay Nay and his emotions. I’ve finally started with morning chores (feeding/turnout) but he’s doing the rest (I still feel like a need a nap after turnout).

Eventually I’ll get Nay working again, but I need more energy and I’d like to meet with the hematologist first. I have no idea how long I’ll be on blood thinners for and I won’t know until we talk and run tests. If it’s short term (3 months), I’ll probably hold off doing anything major until I’m off (or not). If it’s longer term? Then I’ll just wait until I have endurance. I have a vest but I may invest in a more comfortable one. That’s the funny thing, my PCP immediately said, just be careful. I know you have the horses and ride. Live your life, just safely. And wear a helmet. Her sister has horses and rides and she knows there is no talking a horse person down so she doesn’t try. I told her I added a vest last year and she asked if I could suggest her sister get one.

Anyway, that’s all I got.

4 thoughts on “This year continues to suck.

  1. I’m really sorry to hear about your pup and hope that you get a treatment plan going forward. I’ve been thinking of you and hope that you’re able to get some type of energy back this summer!

  2. Ugh. I’m sorry. There’s not much worse than feeling like you are. I hope you get some answers from your appointment and can get back to feeling good and doing things with your horses again soon.
    Also hope the pup gets fixed up and feeling good soon!

  3. it can be so hard to get past the gatekeepers! I hope the appointment gets you back on track. It’s hard when you have no endurance. Hopefully that gets better soon too.

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