Revisiting work

This past weekend, I started Nay Nay back into work.

After 6 months off (really a year if you forget his brief bit of work in December), I was entirely too optimistic.

I had plans. Lots of plans.

So, I suspect you all know that Nay Nay had other plans.

I thought I’d lunge him and then walk around for 5 minutes and call it a day. Nothing hard, nothing crazy, but something.

I did lunge him. It started off OK. And then SOMEHOW he managed to get his bridle off (I don’t always lunge with the bridle but I did this time) and decided to bolt when I went to fix it and gallop around my yard and the neighbor’s yard (from the woods) with his saddle, loose hanging bridle, and lunge line. FYI nothing broke. He made his way snorting back to his stall once I opened the barn gate. I took off the bridle, stuck on his halter, and went to walk him back out when BAM. Bolted again with the lead line. This time up the driveway (and into another neighbor’s yard) with the halter, chain, and saddle. Super happy my neighbor’s are tolerant…

At this point (he always comes back, thankfully), I grabbed him, pulled his tack, got my husband out immediately, and tossed him in the round pen. I free lunged until he actually listened (it took a lot longer than it should have) and called it a day.

The next day? Immediately to the round pen. He retained the previous day’s lesson and took himself out to the rail and began moving out. Much better.

Day 3? Less antics. Less bucks, rears, and spins. More trotting.

Day 4? Neighbor’s lawn service was mowing and weed whacking so life was rough. I chose to tack up and lunge vs free lunge in the round pen. He was worked up due to the mowing (he was worked up before I started), but we worked through it all. Then, I got on. I didn’t do much. Walked for 5 minutes in the round pen. But I sat on my horse.

Yesterday, I gave him off. 4 days of HARD work in hot temps (he was hot, sweating, and breathing hard — his choice) earned a day off.

He’s much stronger than the last time he worked. His right lead is much improved — picks it up every time — and his left lead actually exists. He still will cross canter when he’s off balance (he tore up the ground in places thanks to bucks and rears and spins) so if he’s feeling weak, he may lose the lead behind, but he’s holding it better each day. Last summer/fall? He wouldn’t even pick up the left lead at all let alone cross canter so I thinking we’re moving in the right direction. I’ll watch it, but I suspect this is just a weakness issue at this point as he’s better each day.

6 thoughts on “Revisiting work

  1. I have one with a thrown shoe at the moment and I rode him while they were mowing yesterday. He had to keep one eye on the zero turn at all times 😀

  2. Glad you guys are getting back to it! Not glad Nay made such reckless choices though… Sounds like he’s feeling better though. I bet those left lead problems will keep improving now that he’s been treated for all the things. Sounds like he’s already doing much better!

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